Coaching Options

Life and Business coaching to enrich, encourage, and empower.

Coaching Packages inclusive for all...including Freedom, Life/Business Coaching and Custom Coaching Plans!


Freedom can be found through Jesus. He came to set the captives free. Luke 4:18 NLT -“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, for he has anointed me to bring Good News to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim that captives will be released, that the blind will see, that the oppressed will be set free.

God doesn't want his people to be wandering around in fear, confusion, bitterness, anger, doublemindedness, bewildered, and frustrated. His will for us is to be FREE to walk in God designed destiny. However, we do live in a fallen world and the enemy's mission is to derail us from our purpose. The enemy is prowling around to devour us.

The journey of FREEDOM is scripture based and clients are set free through Jesus' blood and the deliverance prayers. I am only the vessel to help facilitate, teach and pray to cast out spirits that have been keeping people in bondage. Definition of Deliverance is cleaning out of the “soul” which is made out of mind, will and emotions. This is where you can feel “stuck”. The enemy likes to attack us right there!

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God Given Gifts

So many people are walking through life not knowing what they are good at and what their gifts may be. Knowing your Spiritual Gifts helps you understand God’s will for your life!

God gives us spiritual gifts for doing HIS work! Different people are given different gifts to handle different tasks and change peoples lives in different ways. You and I have different gifts because God has called us to separate unique plans according to His unique will for EACH of our lives!

Understanding your gifts enables you to make decisions about where and how to serve God. What God has called you to do He has gifted you to do, and what he has gifted you to do He has called you to do. In this class, you will get to explore what your gifts are and how you can start living your life by using the gifts that have been sitting dormant and tucked away somewhere.

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One-on-One Personalized Coaching

These sessions are totally customized according to what your needs are. They are designed to make you feel safe, non-judged, confidential, and where you would feel empowered within yourself.

As your coach, my job is to help you see what could potentially be getting in the way for you to propel in living your life how you want to live it!

These sessions can be life, business or freedom related. As your coach, I take your lead. My joy comes from seeing my clients thriving in their God given calling and being their best version of themselves.

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E3 Coaching Packages

Choose a package below, including a BUNDLE with all 3 choices for only $499 (A $699+ VALUE), or click below for information on CUSTOM COACHING PLANS!

Our Guarantee: You will solve at least one and typically several major issues in your relationship and/or your work


Choice 1

Your Freedom through JESUS!


Find your FREEDOM in Jesus by learning the truth of your identity through His word, prayer and deliverance!

2 Zoom Sessions (2 hr length)

 2 consecutive weeks

Purchase Choice 1

Choice 2

Explore Your GOD GIVEN Gifts!


Learn about your God Given Gifts through Biblical, Spiritual + Proven Educational Training and the IMPORTANCE of walking in your gifts!

2 Zoom Sessions (1 hr length)

 2 consecutive weeks

Purchase Choice 2

Choice 3

(2) One-On-One Personalized Coaching Sessions


Get coached on anything you need clarity on, prayer or focus on...including life, business/career and Spiritual Direction through the Holy Spirit!

2 Zoom Sessions (2 hr length)

 2 consecutive weeks

Purchase Choice 3

*Bundle All 3 Choices For ONLY $499 (A $699+ VALUE)

Purchase E3 Bundle

Custon Coaching Plans

Are you looking for a Customized Coaching Plan? 

Reach out to Sara today!

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